Core Embodiment Holistic
Meditation Practice

What is Core Embodiment®? It is my unique synthesis of a comprehensive psycho-spiritual-somatic practice that utilizes precise breathwork, intrinsic movement, sound, touch, and perceptual practices gleaned from various ancient and modern neuroscience lineages over the past two decades. Through this holistic meditative practice, you will discover the skills to directly and effectively participate in your own self-healing and self-actualization.
Your unresolved history, traumas, fixation patterns, and core beliefs are stored within the neuro-pathways of your tissues, frozen in time, thus clouding your present experience. You can allow these places to thaw, unwind, and be metabolized by the warmth of your loving presence. In this way, you discover how to participate in creating the safety and trust required to fully embody and access your true vitality and fulfillment as a thriving human being.
This practice will guide you back home to your most dynamically alive center, allowing you to wield your love, power, and wisdom in co-creation with all that truly matters to you.

Testimonials Specific to Core Embodiment
"Participating in Ajaya’s Core Embodiment course was a gift during a very upside down time. The course began just before I closed the doors to our retreat center of 25 years, due to the pandemic. Having the consistency of the loving invitation back home— to my Hara, my Heart and my Head was so helpful and beautiful. I have worked with Ajaya at a couple of in person retreats in the past and found her presence and her teaching brought the medicine I needed in times of transition and overwhelm. Life always presents challenges and the initiations into suffering. Having others in the group who are willing to be honest about whatever is going on for them in the moment is always supportive. Ajaya guides with a great deal of knowledge and experience. Trusting that she has truly been on her own deep journey provides the safety that I needed to drop into the deeper currents of my own life."

“Ajaya is one of those rare healers who can see directly into your core, understand your needs (deeper than you know yourself), and offer sacred healing to your most hidden, needy places in the deep psyche. She is filled with kindness and light, so healing comes as naturally as if you were bathed in love by the Goddess herself. Don’t miss the opportunity to be touched and guided by this divine healer — no matter what ails you.”

"Fantastic learning and training, “Core Embodiment ”. If you are a therapist, Doctor, healer, transformational educator or health care provider looking to self-improve - the teachings Ajaya has will serve you well. Not only for your professional toolbelt but for your own self-actualization. A wealth of information and many pieces are laid out throughout the process and all tied together at the end to bring it all home. After decades of sitting across from others in my practice I believe this is what I’ve been looking for. Don’t miss this chance and treat yourself to a wonderful learning and adventure."

“I recently attended a 5 day retreat in Hawaii with Ajaya. Honestly, I did not really know what to expect as I had never done the practice of continuum. I was absolutely blown away by Ajaya’s ability to hold the intimate and entirely safe space for healing and organic unwinding. I am in awe and gratitude for the healing that happened for me during the retreat, as I trusted the process and my body’s own innate intelligence. As a psychotherapist, I have attended many workshops and retreats, and this was an experience like no other in its ability to reach the depths. The presence that Ajaya IS was there to support and facilitate our work, and revealed a beautiful presence in myself, an irresistible beauty that cannot be denied once seen.”

"I feel so blessed to be on the receiving end of Ajaya's genius. She brings together her extensive knowledge of the physiology of the body with a gorgeous heart in service to supporting humans to be nourished by our natural relaxed state during these intense and challenging times. As a busy entrepreneur and single mom, I was seeking new resources to assist me to contact my flow and live from my deepest intelligence and I found it! Ajaya brings the medicine that so many need right now as we live through increasingly uncertain and stressful times. Her embodied, loving presence and guidance were a huge gift in my life during a particularly challenging time. I am inspired by how she walks her talk and demonstrates how to live from the lusciousness of a flow state. I feel much better in my body each day from this practice and my business has shifted into greater abundance. I suspect they are connected. I highly recommend Ajaya's Core Embodiment program for leaders and visionaries who want to learn how to hold themselves with more care, feel nourished and expand their sense of possibility."

"Finding the Core Embodiment Practice with Ajaya Sommers was an answer to a prayer that I had not yet spoken. With elegance and a depth of knowledge not held by many, Ajaya engaged me more deeply to “know thyself” and yet, at the same time, taught me to love myself more fully and at one of my most unlovable times. She introduced me to tools I had not yet woven together quite like she had developed. Yet, it is a simple practice that increased my feelings of stability, acceptance and personal well-being with terms like “holy neutral” or the "middle way". She guided me to allow myself to simply “be” rather than do and with the acceptance I needed to really embody that thought. The basis of the practice is very well-defined, well presented and built on scientific theory and experiential training that Ajaya has uniquely combined into a phenomenal contribution to human culture and evolutionary science. I truly believe that Core Embodiment Practice as developed by Ajaya Sommers is the next (and missing) step for many seeking to self actualize now in these important and dynamic times."

"The stories, drama, imprints, and pattern no longer define all of me. I now understand what Ajaya means when she says “not knowing - with kindness”. So simple are these words when we trust our selves, and embody our Core. Ajaya is a master facilitator whose time is now. Let her wrap you in her love and wisdom, so you can be supported to find and integrate you, your love, your patterns, your parts. Enjoy the journey with Ajaya’s Core Embodiment as you are guided to discovering your most authentic beautiful self. Thank you Ajaya. It was a beautiful life changing journey!"

The 4 Pillars of Core Embodiment to Bridge into Self-Actualization:
In this unique psycho-spiritual-somatic integrative practice you can discover how to inhabit the subtle core of your body, specifically the gut brain, heart brain, head brain as well as your ‘root brain’. These are the tangible locations in your body from which you can experience your core coherence or natural state of flow. When these 4 primary perceptual centers come into coherence with one another, a trustworthy relationship with your inner guidance, creative inspiration, and deepest integrity with the source of Life naturally returns to you as an ongoing embodied self-realization.
Your 4 Brains when resonating together create a natural, connected, and coherent sensation of reality:

Reclaim your Psychological Self
We embark on a journey of reclaiming your developmental needs (releasing built-up shame and resentment towards your needs). In the process, we make the identity shift from victim to creator. Through lovingly bringing all of your traumatized parts home, you naturally come to recognize and own the medicine of your journey.

Reclaim your Mystical Self
Who you are is divinity at your core, waiting to be embodied as your most unique human expression. Learn to live in the fulfillment of the now, where your power, passion, and moment-to-moment purpose are revealed through embodied mindfulness practices.

Reclaim your Evolutionary Self
Discover how to contact your future self, the part of you that came here to be a part of this phase of evolution, knowing you have a unique role to play. Who you are is a unique puzzle piece of the whole. Your particular gifts and unique life journey are exactly what is needed to manifest not only the life you would most love to live but also the life that is of the greatest service to the planet. Feeling whole includes being of service.

Reclaim your Primal Biological Self
Your womb (if you are in a female body) or your prostate (if you are in a male body) holds your 'root brain'—your deepest instinctual guiding wisdom. Due to developmental trauma, people often have a split between their heart and a healthy sexuality. Through this core embodiment practice, you will reclaim a healthy and connected sense of your love-sexuality.
To learn more, please check out my Core Embodiment Self- Mastery Foundation Program
The pilot study on Core Embodiment testing high for Flow and Coherence

Genuine Transformation from the Inside Out
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Genuine Transformation from the Inside Out
Copyright © 2025 Ajaya Sommers